Category: For patients

  • 5 basic questions to ask your robotic surgeon

    Robotic Prostate Surgery – What Men Need To Know I came across this article on the web and can answer this for my practice: “If you are considering robotic prostate surgery over traditional open surgery, you should make the following questions part of your doctor-screening process: * How long have you been performing prostate surgery…

  • Robotic stories for BPH- Robotic Simple Prostatectomy

    I am starting a new blog series where patients can discuss their stories. Please understand that anyone can view this and as always patient outcomes can be different. The thoughts shared on this web site are not in any way meant to represent the surgeons, but are a way for people to share their experiences…

  • Prostate cancer- How does one decide on therapy?

    A colleague of mine asked on a blog comment: “Do patients need to make there own decisions or should the urologist guide them to the best decision?” That’s a great question and every urologist, medical oncologist, and radiation doc would have his/her own opinion.

  • One mans journey in deciding on robotic surgery for his prostate cancer

    The ultimate deadline Chicago Tribune: “The ultimate deadline Faced with conflicting medical advice, newsman Robert Jordan took the road less traveled to treat his prostate cancer By Robert Jordan Special to the Tribune Published June 18, 2006” This story was given to me by a patient. Mr. Jordan has done excellent research and has hit…

  • Summary of foods that may be prostate protective – Colorful eats cut risk of some cancer The same foods that prevent prostate cancer probably slow cancer down. The problem is that there have not been good studies yet that show exactly which foods or vitamins help. The nice thing about this article is it tells which foods have substances that may help:

  • Watchful waiting for prostate cancer

    UroToday – European Urology – Watching the Face of Janus- Active Surveillance as a Strategy to Reduce Overtreatment for Localised Prostate Cancer A good abstract by Swedish urologists that addresses many of the issues for watchful waiting. It points out that the best candidates have a small amount of gleason 6 cancer. Most men did…

  • Evidence based medicine and prostate cancer screening

    Evidence based medicine involves a practitioner using the best available clinical studies and their clinical judgement. There have been several websites that have helped assimilate all the available information and give a conclusion in easy to read format for physicians and patients alike. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit organisation, providing up-to-date information about…

  • Low Blow: One mans story about his prostate surgery and recovery

    Low Blow – One man’s battle with prostate cancer: This is one mans story about his bout with prostate cancer and his recovery from robotic prostatectomy. Mr. Stuckey should be commended for sharing his story, as it will help thousands of men deal with their cancer more effectively. Much of the anxiety men deal…

  • Sexual life after prostate removal

    This post is for all the men who have prostate cancer or are worried about prostate cancer. One of the most feared side effects of therapy for prostate cancer is the impact on sexual health. Hopefully this will give men a better idea of what to expect and take some of the fear of the…