Category: Prostate Cancer

  • One mans journey in deciding on robotic surgery for his prostate cancer

    The ultimate deadline Chicago Tribune: “The ultimate deadline Faced with conflicting medical advice, newsman Robert Jordan took the road less traveled to treat his prostate cancer By Robert Jordan Special to the Tribune Published June 18, 2006” This story was given to me by a patient. Mr. Jordan has done excellent research and has hit…

  • PCA3 gene in detecting prostate cancer.

    There is a new company that is using the PCA3 gene that has obtained approval in Europe. In the US there are 2 companies that have the test, Ameripath and Bostwick laboratories, currently the PCA3-plus test. We have had a lengthy discussion about this test on another blog entry on my site. The test works…

  • John Hopkins researchers find over expression of a muscle protein in prostate cancer cells

    UroToday – ‘Muscle’ Protein Drives Prostate Cancer: “Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have for the first time implicated the muscle protein myosin VI in the development of prostate cancer and its spread. In a series of lab studies with human prostate cancer cells, the Hopkins scientists were surprised to find overproduction of…

  • HIFU for the treatment of prostate cancer

    UroToday – Control of Prostate Cancer by Transrectal HIFU in 227 Patients HIFU, or high intensity focused ultrasound, works by creating ultrasound waves that are concentrated on the prostate to destroy the tumor cells. I did research on HIFU for the destruction of kidney tissue when I was a resident at Indiana University. Our institution…

  • Summary of foods that may be prostate protective – Colorful eats cut risk of some cancer The same foods that prevent prostate cancer probably slow cancer down. The problem is that there have not been good studies yet that show exactly which foods or vitamins help. The nice thing about this article is it tells which foods have substances that may help:

  • Wives of prostate cancer patients affected by disease

    Nine MSN: Partners of cancer patients suffer too When discussing prostate cancer options and a new diagnosis, I always remind the patient to bring in their wife or loved one. This article points out that wives are also affected significantly by prostate cancer.

  • Watchful waiting for prostate cancer

    UroToday – European Urology – Watching the Face of Janus- Active Surveillance as a Strategy to Reduce Overtreatment for Localised Prostate Cancer A good abstract by Swedish urologists that addresses many of the issues for watchful waiting. It points out that the best candidates have a small amount of gleason 6 cancer. Most men did…

  • Bloodless Prostate Cancer Surgery

    I have heard the term Bloodless Surgery many times and am familiar with it. A google search will also give someone who may not be familiar with the term a better understanding of how it is used. There are many things that can be done to help avoid blood transfusions such as minimizing blood draws,…

  • Side effects of radiation for prostate cancer

    Out of the group of 510 patients, who responded to the side effect section, 299 patients (59%) stated that there had been side effects and 211 patients (41%) stated that none had occurred. The following side effects were mentioned: leakage (17%), alguria (14%), diarrhoea (13%), voiding dysfunctions with residual urine (12%), proctitis (10%),urinary incontinence (6%),…