Tag: positive margins

  • Positive margins and their significance

    UroToday – Prognostic Significance of Location of Positive Margins in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens In the 201 men with a single positive SM, it was found in the apex in 75 men (37%), posterolateral in 70 men (35%), bladder neck in 20 men (10%), anterior in 25 men (12%), posterior in 11 men (5%), and in…

  • Positive Margins in Laparoscopic prostatectomy

    UroToday – European Urology – Preoperative and Intraoperative Risk Factors for Side-Specific Positive Surgical Margins in Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer Suspected ECE on endorectal coil MRI had neither protective effect nor increased risk for PSMs, which means that, whereas this variable may help with surgical planning, its capacity to decrease PSM rates remains…

  • Positive margins after partial nephrectomy

    UroToday – Positive Surgical Parenchymal Margin After Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Cella: Oncological Outcomes Carcinom Thursday, 15 March 2007 BERKELEY, CA (UroToday.com) – Positive margins following supposedly curative surgery can be devastating for patient and surgeon alike. The implication that cancer was “left behind” implies a continued biologic threat, although little is known about…

  • Improvement in positive margins with robotic surgery

    Robotic Prostatectomy can reduce positive margins Source- Surgery News p. 13 This was an abstract presented at SLS meeting in Boston in September. The 2 urologists showed a dramatic improvement in positive margins from their last 100 prostatectomies done open to the first 93 done robotically. The organ confined changes for each surgeon were 37%…