ScienceDaily: Single Dose Of Antibiotics Before Surgery Sufficient To Help Prevent Infection: “Single Dose Of Antibiotics Before Surgery Sufficient To Help Prevent Infection
A single dose of antibiotics prior to surgery appears to prevent infections occurring at the surgical site as effectively as a 24-hour dosing regimen, and with reduced antibiotic costs, according to an article in the November issue of Archives of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.”
I have been using 3 total doses on antibiotics for most of my robotic kidney and prostate operations. I will need to review this study and may switch to a single dose for prevention of infection. I have not had a single wound or deep infection in almost 250 robotic operations. I have seen urinary tract infections that I think is the result of the catheter and 2 men developed testicle infections 2-3 weeks after robotic prostatectomy.