However, study findings presented at the National Kidney Foundation 2012 Spring Clinical Meetings suggest that patients with prostate cancer (PCa) might be better served by undergoing transplantation instead of waiting two years to be declared cancer-free.
via PCa Patients on HD Would Benefit from Early Kidney Transplantation – Renal and Urology News.
This study looked at patients how had prostate cancer diagnosed within 6 months after transplantation. Most patients were doing well after 2 years. This is relevant since patients on dialysis need to wait 2 years after having surgery for cancer to be disease free prior to transplantation. The risk to patients of being on hemodialysis for 2 years is higher than the risk of having prostate cancer in a transplant patient. Studies like this should be done to see if patents with certain cancers, like kidney and prostate, may not need to wait the 2 years that they traditionally have.