The man who underwent the surgery is described as a 53-years-old businessman from London who is married with children and has several family members who have had breast or prostate cancer. When he found out he was carrying the BRCA2 mutation, he asked to have his prostate removed.
Initially, the ICR researchers were reluctant, the newspaper reports, because there was no indication of a problem, either from prostate-specific antigen tests or from a magnetic resonance imaging scan. However, a biopsy showed microscopic malignant changes.
via First Man Has Prostatectomy Because of BRCA Gene Mutation.
This report describes a young man who has his prostate removed because he has an oncogene that means he has a much higher risk of developing prostate cancer. It is unclear whether his biopsy showed cancer or premalignant changes. I once felt that men with genetic changes would one day have prophylactic prostatectomies similar to women having prophylactic mastectomies. The key is to find men that are more likely to develop aggressive cancers at younger ages.