Testosterone returned to normal in 69% of patients with a median time to recovery of 9 months. Testosterone returned to it baseline level after ADT in 37% with a median recovery time of 11 months. Patients who recovered testosterone to normal levels after ADT were not more likely to fail BDFS or CDFS at 5 years. Due to the small numbers of deaths, cause of death analysis was limited but there was no difference in cause of death between those who did and did not recover testosterone to normal levels. The majority of patients lost potency during treatment, but up to 65% recovered some potency after treatment.
This study looked at the recovery of testosterone and potency after hormonal therapy.
As the authors pointed out, the timing and duration for maximum benefit for hormonal therapy is not yet known. I usually advise patient’s that choose external beam radiation to have adjuvant hormonal therapy. This study gives a better understanding of how long it takes to recover.