Category: Prostate Cancer

  • Prostate cancer on The Open Line

    I would like to thank James Mtume and Bob Pickett for having me on their show today. We had an excellent discussion with several points that Id like to summarize. I will also be taking questions from their listeners that can be emailed to [email protected] The broadcast can be heard on a series of MP3…

  • Prostate Cancer on the Radio

    I have been invited to discuss prostate cancer on The Open Line. The show will air Sunday, May 21, from 11:00 am to noon on 98.7 KISS FM out of NYC. Phone calls will be received. The Open Line Show has been called by numerous leaders and journalists as “One of the most important talk…

  • Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator

    There is a new web-based tool that can help men over the age of 55 calculate their risk of having prostate cancer by biopsy. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, the University of Colorado, and the NCI created a statistical model…

  • “Mini-Incision” Radical Prostatectomy?

    In the February 2005 issue of UROLOGY, Dr. Miki et al from Kyoto, Japan descibes their initial experience using a running suture anastamosis during minilaparotomy radical retropubic prostatectomy for prostate cancer. They performed this anastamosis in 21 patients, utilizing a 6-cm midline incision. They used the Ethicon Endostitch device and a double-arm absorbable suture, starting…

  • Robotic Prostate Surgery

    Although there is a growing number of prostates being removed robotically, there are many people and top urologists questioning the benefit of the da Vinci prostatectomy over the established open approach. This was recently debated on ABC News. I do find it interesting in that how some urologists that I deeply respect are heavily in…

  • Outpatient robotic prostatectomy

    With the advantages of robotic surgery of less pain and less blood loss, I have always wondered what will be the end result of the operation in regards to patient recovery and operating room times. Since the total operation time has routinely fallen to the 2 to 2 1/2 hour range I thought an outpatient…

  • ED and the Veil of Aphrodite

    Dr. Menon gave a presentation at the Pacific Rim Robotics Conference on nerve preservation and the anatomical concept that he has named the veil of Aphrodite. After first reviewing the history of impotence after radical prostatectomy he described the latest modification of his techniques, which he claims further improves the preservation of potency. Originally, of…

  • Robotic Prostate Surgery: Am I a candidate

    In my opinion most patients with prostate cancer are candidates for robotic prostate cancer surgery, or the daVinci Prostatectomy. The ideal patient would be one with early prostate cancer that is likely confined to the prostate. The patient also needs a good chance of living at least 10 years. Certain surgeries and medical conditions can…

  • Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented?

    This is a frequently asked question by patients and physicians alike. We know there are genetic risks for developing prostate cancer. For example, African American men are more likely to get prostate cancer and it is more often a more aggressive type. There was a review by Dr. Eric Klein, of the Cleveland Clinic, that…