I Have Trace Blood in My Urine on Urinalysis. What Now?

Let’s face it, finding blood in your urine can be alarming. But before you go down the WebMD rabbit hole, let’s clear up a few things.

The Urine Dipstick: A First Look

A urine dipstick test is more of a screening tool than a definitive diagnostic test. It can detect the presence of hemoglobin in your urine, but it doesn’t tell us where it’s coming from.

Microscopy: The Deep Dive

To dig deeper, we can look at the urine under a microscope. This is called a urine microscopy test. If we see actual red blood cells, it often points towards specific conditions like kidney stones or bladder infections.

False Alarms

Sometimes a urine dipstick test might show ‘trace blood’ or even give a false positive if hemoglobin or myoglobin are present without any actual red blood cells.

Trace Blood: Keep Calm

Trace amounts of blood on a urine dipstick often aren’t a major cause for concern. They could be due to something as benign as rigorous exercise or mild dehydration.

Next Steps

If you’re still concerned, we can send a urinalysis with microscopy to a local laboratory for a more detailed look. This can help rule out or identify any underlying issues that may require further medical attention.

So, while blood in your urine may feel like a red flag, it’s not always a sign of something sinister. The key is to consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation and peace of mind.