ScienceDaily: Men With No Sons More At Risk For Prostate Cancer, According To New Study
“We surveyed vital status and cancer incidence, and found a strong trend for a decrease in prostate cancer risk as the number of sons increased,” said Susan Harlap, MD, professor of clinical Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health, and the leader of the research team. “We anticipate that this finding will have a significant impact on the direction of research in this field going forward.” Overall, there was a 40% increase in prostate cancer in men lacking sons. |
When I first read the headline, I thought this was some kind of statistical anomaly on a study. Reading the whole news article led me to understand that at least there is some science behind why this finding could happen, but I am not sure if this will hold up scientifically on further studies.
I wonder if someone has looked at the odds of a man having a son after having 1 or 2 daughters. If there is a problem on the Y chromosome as this study would suggest, then you would think that the likelihood of having a son after 1-2 daughters would be much less. I do not think this is the case.
Original blog I found this on: The Bayesian Heresy