The Robotic Surgeon Blog
Robotic surgery in Canada
London Free Press – City & Region – People . . . You Know: “In Canada, there are only three Da Vinci robotic surgical systems. Two of them are in London. One operates out of C-Star, the other, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, is used primarily for clinical care. ” I wonder how many daVinci robots…
A single dose of prophylactic antibiotics may be enough
ScienceDaily: Single Dose Of Antibiotics Before Surgery Sufficient To Help Prevent Infection: “Single Dose Of Antibiotics Before Surgery Sufficient To Help Prevent Infection A single dose of antibiotics prior to surgery appears to prevent infections occurring at the surgical site as effectively as a 24-hour dosing regimen, and with reduced antibiotic costs, according to an…
Congratulations to the Newark Beth Israel Cardiovascular team
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Named One of Nation’s 100 Top Providers of Cardiovascular Care: Financial News – Yahoo! Finance: “Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Named One of Nation’s 100 Top Providers of Cardiovascular Care Monday November 20, 9:00 am ET NEWARK, N.J., Nov. 20 /PRNewswire/ — Recognized for outstanding outcomes in adult cardiac care,…
Higher cholesterol may lead to more aggressive prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer Treatment and Symptoms > Prostate Cancer and Association With Plasma Cholesterol: “Prostate cancer patients who had lower levels of cholesterol in their blood had a significantly reduced chance of developing more aggressive forms of the disease, compared to patients with higher cholesterol readings. These findings may help explain the earlier discovery, reported by…
Obesity and prostate cancer
UroToday – Obesity, Diabetes, and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial: “These unique data obtained from a prospective randomized trial suggest that obesity may preferentially increase the risk of high-grade prostate cancer, while decreasing the risk of developing low-grade tumors. The authors suggest that this may explain why no association…
Prostate cancer- How does one decide on therapy?
A colleague of mine asked on a blog comment: “Do patients need to make there own decisions or should the urologist guide them to the best decision?” That’s a great question and every urologist, medical oncologist, and radiation doc would have his/her own opinion.
New changes to classification of kidney tumors
I was at a conferenence on Saturday, Current trends in genitourinary malignancies. This was a nice review of the newest advances in prostate, bladder, and kidney cancer. One thing I learned is that with he help of molecular markers, what had been previously diagnosed as sarcomatoid renal cell cancer is actually a high grade transformation…
Newark Beth Israel chosen for beta tests for daVinci upgrades
I had the opportunity to beta test the newest additions to the daVinci S robot. The engineers have done an excellent job with minor upgrades. The 4th pedal which had been empty was fitted with a bipolar pedal. This was a nice much awaited for addition that will make setup much easier as we had…
John Hopkins working on robotic advances
Johns Hopkins Gazette November 13, 2006: “Johns Hopkins researchers are trying to change that by adding such sensations, known as haptic feedback, to medical robotic systems. “Haptic” refers to the sense of touch. A video showing some of this research is online at” I thought this was an excellent video showing the davinci robot…