The Robotic Surgeon Blog

  • Statins Benefit ADT-Treated Prostate Cancer Patients | Cancer Network

    Prostate cancer patients starting treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) who were already taking cholesterol-lowering statins had a 10-month prolonged time to cancer progression compared with patients who were not on statins, according to the results of a new study published in JAMA Oncology. – See more at: Statins Benefit ADT-Treated Prostate Cancer Patients |…

  • Endoscopic simple prostatectomy – Abstract

    Endoscopic simple prostatectomy – Abstract. This review looked at minimally invasive treatments for patients that have urinary obstruction from very large patients. Traditionally open surgery was done since procedures done through the natural urinary opening often did not have goo long term results. Laparoscopic adenomectomy (LA) and robotic-assisted simple prostatectomy (RASP) have been performed for…

  • Lower PSA Predicts Favorable Salvage Radiotherapy Outcomes – Renal and Urology News

    The overall median follow-up was 63.5 months. The 5-year BCR-free survival rate was 58.2% for the cohort overall and 76.2% for the 118 patients 55.7% who had early salvage RT, defined as RT started when the PSA level was 0.5 ng/mL or less, the investigators reported online in PLoS One via Lower PSA Predicts Favorable…

  • Penile Shortening After Prostate Surgery Temporary – Renal and Urology News

    At six months, men who took a daily PDE5i had no SFPL loss, whereas those who did not take a PDE5i consistently had a significant mean 4.4 mm SFPL loss compared with baseline.“The present study is among the first to show preservation of SFPL in patients using daily PDE5i as compared with those patients not…

  • An interview with MD Advisor

    I recently gave an interview to the MD Advisor. We discussed some of the recent safety concerns with robotic surgery and the daVinci robot. Some of the important points that we discussed are: Robotic surgery is performed by a surgeon and is not automated. Experienced surgeons have less complications that inexperienced surgeons. Robotic surgery magnification…

  • LUGPA position aims to clarify prostate cancer screening | Urology Times

    In an attempt to clarify what it calls conflicting guideline statements on prostate cancer screening from various organizations, the Large Urology Group Practice Association (LUGPA) has issued its own position on the use of the PSA test as a screening tool. “Unfortunately, these conflicting statements have resulted in confusion amongst both our patients and fellow…

  • Prostate cancer screening event at Overlook Medical Center on October 3, 2013.

    I am participating in a prostate cancer screening event for men over 50 years old that would like to be screened for prostate cancer. Men will have a PSA blood draw and a digital rectal examination. The target audience is for men not under the care of a physician currently. The event will be held…

  • Robotic surgery on 30 Medical Minutes

    Dr. Savatta has been performing urologic surgery since 1997. He started performing robotic surgery for prostate cancer in 2004 and then progressed from laparoscopic and open surgery to robotic surgery for most of his urologic surgery. He was honored to be a guest on 30 Medical Minutes to describe and demonstrate robotic surgery.

  • Dr. Krieger and Dr. Savatta discuss prostate cancer and PSA screening

    In June of 2013 I joined my partner and president of UGNJ, Alan Krieger, MD to educate the public about prostate cancer. Recently a governmental agency recommended against prostate cancer screening with PSA without recommending a replacement for PSA. We had a thorough discussion about the need to screen for prostate cancer and what men…