Tag: Kidney Cancer

  • What are my chances that my kidney tumor is benign?

    UroToday – Incidence of Benign Pathologic Findings at Partial Nephrectomy for Solitary Renal Mass Presumed to be Renal Cell Carcinoma on Preoperative Imaging The authors conclude that there is no reliable indicator of benign pathology preoperatively in solitary renal masses, as all of these were considered to be renal cell carcinoma on preoperative imaging. Overall,…

  • Robotic Kidney removal: Robotic Growth Sep 2006

    Robotic surgery growth chart In September I performed 15 robotic operations. We had a patient that travelled the farthest to date to have surgery at Newark Beth Israel. He came from Italy for a robotic prostatectomy and flew home after 15 days with minimal problems. I also performed 6 kidney operations for cancer. One was…