The Robotic Surgeon Blog

  • PET imaging for renal masses

    UroToday – PET Imaging Identifies Aggressive Kidney Cancers that Require Surgery “Antibody PET could end up changing the standard of care for patients with kidney cancer,” said the study’s senior author, Paul Russo, MD, a urologic cancer surgeon at MSKCC. “The excellent sensitivity and specificity of this tool supports the utility of G250 PET imaging…

  • Website for urologists specializing in prostate cancer On, you will find a wide range of sophisticated clinical tools, nomograms, databases and other useful information that enable the delivery of personalized, evidence-based medicine. These Web-enabled problem-focused decision making support tools allow users to forge the increasing amount and diversity of clinical data into real world solutions for patients, all provided in…

  • Dr. Savatta’s personal blog

    Thoughts from a robotic surgeon I have started this blog to express some of my personal thoughts. I started the robotic surgery blog (http://www.roboticsurgeryblog/) 16 months ago and will still write there along with several other robotic surgeons. I wanted a forum that I could share my more personal thoughts, some maybe controversial or personal.…

  • What are my chances that my kidney tumor is benign?

    UroToday – Incidence of Benign Pathologic Findings at Partial Nephrectomy for Solitary Renal Mass Presumed to be Renal Cell Carcinoma on Preoperative Imaging The authors conclude that there is no reliable indicator of benign pathology preoperatively in solitary renal masses, as all of these were considered to be renal cell carcinoma on preoperative imaging. Overall,…

  • A recipe for pomegranate dip

    Recipe for Healthy Living: Pomegranate dip – The Cancer Blog: “Here is an unusual dip for breads, pita, or a variety of dipping chips. I like to eat this by dipping vegetables into it, especially jicama which is mild in flavor and doesn’t over power the dip. Vicki’s Pomegranate Yogurt Dip 1 large pomegranate 2…

  • Robotic Surgery Schedule

    I found a way to place my robotic surgery schedule online. I do not add my operations in advance that far ahead, but it is usually accurate for the upcoming 2 weeks. Urologists interesting in case observations can contact me to watch surgery.

  • Welcome to a medical oncology blogger

    Dr.Kattlove’s Cancer Blog: If you have prostate cancer, that isn’t a bad idea. Recently surgeons from Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospitals reported their outcomes using the da Vinci robotic system in over 2500 men (European Urology 2007;51:648-58). With the da Vinci, which has been in use in the U.S. for prostate cancer surgery since 2000, the…

  • Celebrex and Green tea

    UroToday – Green Tea and COX-2 Inhibitors Combine to Slow Growth of Prostate Cancer BERKELEY, CA ( – Drinking a nice warm cup of green tea has long been touted for its healthful benefits, both real and anecdotal. But now researchers have found that a component of green tea, combined with low doses of a…

  • Is a JP drain needed after robotic prostatectomy?

    Surgeons are always trying to re-invent the wheel. This is a good, even great thing. We try to make surgical techniques easier, quicker and less invasive. This is a study out of Miami claiming that pelvic drains are not required after open prostate surgery. There is a current debate in robotic surgery whether a drain…