The Robotic Surgeon Blog

  • Excellent medical blog- From an excellent hospital’s CEO

    Running a hospital blog entry: da Vinci Uncoded — or, Surgical Robots Unite! Here you have it folks — the problem facing every hospital, and especially every academic medical center. Do I spend over $1 million on a machine that has no proven incremental value for patients, so that our doctors can become adept at…

  • daVinci Prostatectomy in Thailand

    The Nation: Surgical success story Siriraj Hospital yesterday successfully carried out Thailand’s first prostate operation using a revolutionary robotic surgery system, which claims to reduce trauma and side-effects. The growth in robotic sales outside the US seems to be growing.

  • Hair loss prevention does lower PSA

    UroToday – Effect of 1 mg/day Finasteride on Concentrations of Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen in Men with Androgenic Alopecia: A Randomized Controlled Trial At completion of the study, 1mg/day finasteride resulted in a median serum PSA decrease of 40% (95% CI 34 to 46) in men ages 40-49 years (mean PSA 0.8 ng/ml) and 50% in…

  • Weight, Weight Loss and the Risk of Prostate Cancer

    Body Mass Index, Weight Change, and Risk of Prostate Cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort Written by Ricardo Sanchez-Ortiz, MD Thursday, 15 February 2007 BERKELEY, CA ( – In the last five years, a large body of evidence has been accumulated supporting the association between obesity and high-risk prostate cancer. Despite this…

  • Prostate cancer in NJ

    This is the monthly update of my robotic surgery practice at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. This months focus is on prostate cancer, with a record 24 dvPS performed this month. This month I performed 27 robotic surgeries including 24 da Vinci prostatectomies for prostate cancer. Both of these are a record for 1 month…

  • Hawaii obtains first robotic system “Robot to aid surgeries at Queen’s The da Vinci system will first be used on prostate cancer cases A robot called ‘da Vinci’ will begin work with surgeons this week at the Queen’s Medical Center.” I blogged on this a few months ago, with my friend Dr Russell naming the next 2 states to…

  • Preventive Medicine and Alternative Medicine Journal

    Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine Under the guidance of Editor Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH, Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine provides a one-stop resource for the latest evidence on the use of alternative medicine in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, including cancer. In each quarterly issue, you will find critical analyses…

  • Robotic Surgery Growth: End of 2006

    This is a monthly update on the growth of Robotic Surgery in my practice. I passed the 2 year anniversary of my first robotic operation this past month (Dec 13th). There have been amazing things that have been done since then. I have been able to perform “perfect” nerve sparing radical prostatectomies in as little…

  • Article comparing surgery v. radiation v. watchful waiting

    Key Highlights: 3,159 men studied 15 years long-term follow-up data Primary data end point – Death, not PSA Recurrence Weighted & Adjusted Outcomes in all Cohorts Patients Treated with Radical Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy shown to live longer than patients in the Watchful Waiting Category Overall Survival Rate is in favor of Radical Prostatectomy vs. Radiotherapy…