Tag: cancer
Excellent review of HIFU in contemporary urology
HIFU for prostate cancer – For more than a decade, HIFU has been investigated as a less invasive alternative to surgical treatment in men with localized prostate cancer. A growing and maturing body of research suggests that HIFU is a safe and efficacious option for several subgroups of patients. – Contemporary Urology HIFU for prostate…
Robotic surgery summary- July/August 2007
For the summer months I had the pleasure of inviting my new associate, Dr. Brent Yanke, into our practice. We spent July together and he is now on his own performing most of his robotic surgery. He was well trained at Thomas Jefferson and had participated in over 100 robotic operations. In July and August…
Robotic surgery summary- May/June 2007
I have been neglectful during the summer with keeping up on my blog. I will hope to catch up and keep my monthly postings of how things are going in my practice. In May and June I performed 32 dvPs, a nephrectomy, a simple prostatectomy, and a partial nephrectomy. The nephrectomy was the live telecast…
Swiss study shows survival advantage for surgery over radiation therapy for prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer: Surgery Best Option? Men who choose surgery for early prostate cancer are more likely to be alive 10 years later than men who opt for other treatments, a Swiss study shows. “If you look not only at this study but at the studies we brought out in the last three or four years,…
Robotic radical cystectectomy for bladder cancer
UroToday – Robotic vs Open Radical Cystectomy: Prospective Comparison of Perioperative Outcomes and Pathological Measures of Early Oncological Efficacy – Abstract Robotic-assisted RC appears to offer some operative and perioperative benefits compared with the open approach without compromising pathological measures of early oncological efficacy, such as lymph node yield and margin status. Larger, randomized studies…
Robotic Whipple performed in the midwest
UIC News Release A surgical team led by Dr. Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti, chief of the division of minimally invasive, general and robotic surgery at the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago, has performed the first fully robotic Whipple procedure in the Midwest. The operation, also called a pancreaticoduodenectomy, is the most common surgical treatment…
HIFU study for prostate cancer
UroToday – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Efficacy and Morbidity of the Minimally Invasive Procedure I am not personally that impressed with HIFU from what I have been reading and from my research at Indiana. This series shows a relatively high failure rate of almost 30% and over 30% of…
A recipe for reducing your risk of getting prostate cancer or lowering your risk of a recurrenc
Dietary changes may reduce prostate cancer risk, raise PSADT – Expert recommends ‘active holistic surveillance,’ including low-fat diet, supplements – UrologyTimes For patients at low risk for developing the disease, Dr. Katz recommended using the term “active holistic surveillance” instead of “watchful waiting.” This involves instructing patients to adhere to the following dietary modifications: *…
3 experts discuss their experience with robotic surgery
Symposium: Robotic surgery in urology: Hype, hope, and reality – Modern Medicine Community urologists who want to learn this must have an adequate volume of cases, at least 20 prostatectomies a year, and it probably will take 20 or 30 procedures before they are comfortable. For someone doing less than 20 cases a year, it…