Tag: prostate
Swiss study shows survival advantage for surgery over radiation therapy for prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer: Surgery Best Option? Men who choose surgery for early prostate cancer are more likely to be alive 10 years later than men who opt for other treatments, a Swiss study shows. “If you look not only at this study but at the studies we brought out in the last three or four years,…
HIFU study for prostate cancer
UroToday – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Efficacy and Morbidity of the Minimally Invasive Procedure I am not personally that impressed with HIFU from what I have been reading and from my research at Indiana. This series shows a relatively high failure rate of almost 30% and over 30% of…
Laparoscopy for BPH therapy
Lap technique may play a role in treating BPH – UrologyTimes Berlin—A laparoscopic preperitoneal approach cannot only serve as a teaching platform for laparoscopic skills for surgeons, but it also demonstrates reproducible outcomes in the treatment of BPH, according to Belgian researchers who presented their results at the European Association of Urology annual congress here.…
A recipe for reducing your risk of getting prostate cancer or lowering your risk of a recurrenc
Dietary changes may reduce prostate cancer risk, raise PSADT – Expert recommends ‘active holistic surveillance,’ including low-fat diet, supplements – UrologyTimes For patients at low risk for developing the disease, Dr. Katz recommended using the term “active holistic surveillance” instead of “watchful waiting.” This involves instructing patients to adhere to the following dietary modifications: *…
3 experts discuss their experience with robotic surgery
Symposium: Robotic surgery in urology: Hype, hope, and reality – Modern Medicine Community urologists who want to learn this must have an adequate volume of cases, at least 20 prostatectomies a year, and it probably will take 20 or 30 procedures before they are comfortable. For someone doing less than 20 cases a year, it…
HIFU, Cryosurgery, and Brachytherpy (Seeds) at UroToday.com
UroToday Prostate Cancer Welcome to the UroToday.com prostate cancer section! Browse these pages for thousands of resources and information on prostate cancer. We update these pages daily so check back regularly for new education and information from prevalence data, diagnosis, treatment and management.
Surgical volume related to cancer cure rates after prostate cancer surgery
UroToday – AUA 2007 – The Effect of Surgical Volume on the Rate of Seconday Treatment After Radical Prostatectomy They conclude that surgical volume is a determinant of treatment-failure when evidenced by the use of secondary therapies. Surgeons performing 24 RPs per year had the lowest rate of secondary treatment use.
Rhode Island joins robotic community
Robotic surgery on prostate cancer arrives in R.I. | Rhode Island news | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal This is robot-assisted surgery — and some say it’s the future of surgery. Miriam Hospital is the first hospital in the state to acquire the robot, called the da Vinci Surgical System, which…
European study shows that prostate cancer screening leads to less advanced prostate cancer
UroToday – Prostate Cancer Screening Decreases the Absolute Risk of Being Diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer—Results from a Prospective, Population-Based Randomized Controlled Trial Between the years1995 and 2004, 1,252 cases of CaP were diagnosed; 810 in the screening arm and 442 in the control arm. Men randomized to active screening had a 1.83-fold increased risk…